Principles of Good Web Design

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Principles Of Good Web Design That You Should Know
Distributed January 26, 2022

Whether you own and run a small business or a multinational enterprise, having a great online presence is crucial for your success in an increasingly digital world. Your company’s website is the first opportunity for you to make an excellent impression on your potential customers. The success of any website entirely depends on its web design. Good web design is not just about making a visually pleasing website. A great aesthetic sense is an important part of web design, but there is a lot more to it. Your website’s usability and the overall user experience it offers combined with an excellent visual design to make a great impression.

A website made to provide an excellent user experience, boasts a stellar visual design, and accounts for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can make a world of difference in your brand’s online presence. Website design is more critical to boosting conversions than you might think. Today, we will discuss some of the most important principles of good web design that you should know. Understanding these principles can help you make a well-informed decision to invest in your small business web design needs.

Principles Of Good Web Design

1. Simplicity Is The Key
Simplicity is the best way to go when you consider your website’s user experience and usability. Achieving simplicity through various visual design elements can help you create a website that is easier for your users to understand and navigate. 
The right typography commands their attention and provides a visual interpretation of your brand voice. Combined with the right imagery and color combinations, a simple and effective web design can work wonders in making a strong impression on your website visitors.

2. Ease Of Navigation
Another critical element that makes your small business web design is the ease with which your visitors can navigate throughout the website. Seamless website navigation is important to retain visitors.
If users find it hard to get where they need to go on your website, they will likely lose interest. Intuitive, simple, and consistent navigation on every page boosts its SEO, making your website more engaging.

3. Compelling Content
One of the most crucial principles of good web design is the use of compelling content to engage your website visitors. A website that uses captivating language in its text-based content and uses stunning visual elements like pictures and videos will have a far better chance of getting you the conversions necessary to boost your business than a bland and boring website.
Using compelling language for the web copy, high-quality blogs that follow the best SEO practices, and the right visual elements to aid them can attract and influence visitors, converting them into customers.

4. Responsive Web Design
With smartphones getting better each year, people access the internet through their phones more than through desktops and laptops now. As of January 2021, there were 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide, and 92.6% of them accessed the internet through mobile devices. Responsive web design is one of the most important principles of good web design today.
A person using a smartphone will browse away from a site that has a desktop website layout in this day and age. A responsive web design for your small business’ website means that the layout will automatically adjust to different screens, depending on the device any particular visitor is using. 

5. Conventional Design Is Good
The world is increasingly steering towards the latest design trends in everything. However, it does not necessarily mean that conventional design elements on your website will make it boring. Conventional web design is actually a great principle for good web design today because it makes it easier for a visitor to make sense of the website layout.
A conventional website design that fulfills user expectations in terms of website navigation, text structure, search button placement, etc., will prove your credibility and establish trust and reliability. A website that’s easier to understand and navigate is more usable and offers a more user-friendly experience.

6. Attention-Grabbing Design
Following a conventional design does not mean making a boring and static website that isn’t interesting. A website that uses a combination of static and dynamic content with the right visual elements can immediately grab your visitors’ attention. Stunning images, bold and easily legible text, interesting visual design - these are all excellent elements that can grab your visitors’ attention.
Using the right compelling language can also play a crucial role in grabbing their attention. Focusing your users’ attention on particular areas of the website by using more minimal visual elements can help you nudge a visitor’s eye to move from one point to another on the page so you can direct their attention to the content that you want them to see.

7. Quicker Loading Time
A website that takes more than a few seconds to load is a website that is designed to fail. With internet speeds becoming much faster, the average internet user today is used to navigating through the web much faster than before. Your website does not have a lot of time to grab your visitors’ attention.
A crucial principle of good web design is to create a usable, easy-to-use, and visually stunning website that does not take longer than a few seconds to load. Nobody likes a website that takes too much time to load. Make sure that you take care of it by optimizing image sizes and using the right coding practices to enhance its loading speed.

8. Test Early and Test Often
One of the most essential principles of good web design is testing it early and testing it often. Web design trends keep changing every day with new innovations making website design better and better. Creating a website that works well today is not enough. You have to keep testing your website through usability tests so you can get crucial insights into any issues related to the layout.
Testing a design, addressing any issues you find, and testing it again is necessary because it can help you catch something you might have missed the first time. Usability tests will provide useful results because they can either point out major flaws that you have to fix or tell you that there aren’t any, which is also a good thing for your website. 

Ensure Excellent Web Design For Your Website Working with the right web development firm can help you ensure that your website follows the principles of good web design. Additionally, you won’t have to worry about constantly testing and improving your website. Many small businesses don’t invest in good web design because it can cost too much.

Fortunately, Site Tech Pro is here to offer affordable website design for small businesses. We can build a website for your business that can boost conversions and improve your online presence. Get in touch to find out more about how we can help you grow your business online with Site Tech Pro web design.

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